Why does one person succeed wildly while another equally capable (and seemingly deserving) person does not? Some say the difference maker is luck. They are probably right. But it goes deeper than that.
To understand how to gain this support, we first must be clear on what we have control over and what we do not.
We have control over our actions.
We do not have control over the fruits of our actions. The fruits of an action are Nature’s domain, not ours.
It is vital to understand this so we know where and how to put our attention, and where not to.
Here is why it is relevant.
Everyone wants money. That’s a given. Money, however, is a fruit of an action. There are lots of possible fruits of an action and money happens to be just one of them. Other fruits may be materiel, people, circumstances, opportunities, recognition, etc. We have no control over what fruits or how much fruit comes from an action. That is Nature’s domain. We only have control over our action.
With this in mind, it then makes sense to perform action that gets Nature to shower us with fruit. In other words, we have to perform action that attracts Nature as an ally. When our activity is in harmony with Nature’s purpose, we gain her invaluable support and anything can be achieved. But it cuts both ways. When we irritate Mother Nature, in other words when we violate her laws, we get punished. Nature is perfectly, impartially just – generous when we’re good and harsh when we are not.
For example, if we eat, drink, and inhale junk, poison, and empty calories, Nature doesn’t mess around. We will first get dull and then we get increasingly sick until hopefully we mend our ways.
Monitoring the support we get from Nature is a wonderful way of gauging the correctness of our course of action.
Now here is the problem with focusing on money.
When we focus on money, no matter how much we think we need it or want it, it is an empty focus. We are focusing on a fruit we have no control over. In fact, focusing intently on money (or any fruit) is a retarding focus because it drains us of our power. When our focus is on the fruits, Nature isn’t impressed, isn’t amused, and isn’t inspired to be generous. As a result, any fruit that comes will be pedestrian and/or incomplete.
If, however, we want the whole package, it is vastly more intelligent to focus on our activity exclusively. If fruits of our action show up then we know we are on the right path. That is when we know our activity is in tune with Nature. If no support of Nature comes, we know we need to make a course correction.
Here is what impresses Nature – enthusiasm, love, giving, developing our unique gifts and qualities, doing stuff that promotes health, clarity, and creativity. Nature has endowed each of us with a marvelous array of talents. She is delighted when we use them and share them with others. And when we do she rejoices and supports our activity.
The key to knowing if we are utilizing her gifts is when we love something deeply. Then an amazingly cool thing happens. When we love something, Nature rewards us with a deeper insight. We begin to appreciate subtler values of that which we love and because subtle is more powerful, we begin to see ways to harness that subtle. The result is we do less and accomplish more. And if we accomplish more, we make more money.
Of course, there are some folks who have painted themselves in a corner due to bad choices and other violations of Natural Law. Those folks have obviously got to let the paint dry before they can venture forth with complete freedom. But what hastens the drying process is focusing on that which pleases Nature. And what pleases Nature is developing and sharing the gifts/talents/good qualities she endowed us with.
Simply put, when we are doing things we love, we are true to ourselves and are in harmony with Nature. Nature will reward and encourage that direction with fruit. It is a win-win-win if there ever was one.
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